О нас / Контакты
Корма для продуктивных животных и рыб
Корма для непродуктивных животных
Наполнитель ТОФУ
Контрактное производство (СТМ)
Услуги экспортерам
(хранение и переработка зерновых)
Закупка сельхозпродукции
Hakkımızda / İletişim
Üretken hayvanlar ve balıklar için yem
Verimsiz hayvanlar için yem
TOFU dolgusu
Sözleşmeli Üretim (KTM)
İhracatçılara hizmetler
(tahılların depolanması ve işlenmesi)
Tarım ürünlerinin satın alınması
نبذة عنا/جهات الاتصال
علف للحيوانات المنتجة
علف للحيوانات غير المنتجة

حشو صندوق فضلات القطط TOFU

التصنيع التعاقدي (العلامة التجارية الخاصة)

الخدمات المقدمة للمصدرين (تخزين الحبوب ومعالجتها)
شراء المنتجات الزراعية
À propos de nous/Contacts
Aliments pour animaux de rente
Aliments pour animaux non productifs
Remplisseur de litière pour chat TOFU
Fabrication sous contrat (marque propre)
Services aux exportateurs
(stockage et transformation des céréales)
Chers partenaires
About Us/Contacts
Feed for productive animals
Feed for non-productive animals
TOFU cat litter filler
Contract manufacturing (Own brand)
Services to exporters
(grain storage and processing)
Purchase of agricultural products
TOFU 猫砂盆填充物
درباره ما/تماس.
تغذیه برای حیوانات مولد
تغذیه برای حیوانات غیر مولد
بستر گربه TOFU
تولید قرارداد (علامت تجاری خود)
خدمات به صادرکنندگان (ذخیره سازی و پردازش غلات)
خرید محصولات کشاورزی

TOFU cat litter filler

TOFU filler is produced under the registered trademark "AZOVAKVA®".
The production is located near the coast of the Azov Sea, and the filler "AZOVAKVA ®" itself smells of the freshness of the Azov Sea breeze.

The filler is made of soy fibers, obtained by processing soybeans grown in the
Krasnodar region. Soy grown in the Krasnodar region does not contain GMOs, which distinguishes it from the products of foreign producers.

Granules of filler "AZOVAKVA ®" have excellent absorbing properties and easily absorb foreign odors and liquids. Liquid that has entered the filler is naturally formed into a clump. The formed clump is removed from the tray, leaving clean granules. When the amount of liquid increases significantly (moving the clump into the toilet bowl), the clump breaks up its small particles and easily passes through the sewage system. The particles are organic and do not cause any damage to the environment.

If you are interested in purchasing our products in bulk quantities or would like to order products according to your own recipes, please send us a message and we will contact you. Retail purchases can be made by clicking on the link of the trade mark "AZOVAKVA".
About Us/Contacts
Feed for productive animals
Feed for non-productive animals
TOFU cat litter filler
Contract manufacturing (Own brand)
Services to exporters
(grain storage and processing)
Purchase of agricultural products